Terms and Conditions

Following are the terms and conditions of the agreement under which rooms are permitted to be used by guests


Your Room Tariff as mentioned overleaf


It is the discretion of management to take an advance from guests for their stay at our Hotel according to the length of stay and balance, if any, on presentation of their bills. Bills must be settled on presentation, Personal cheques are not accepted


In case of default in payment of dues by guest, the Management shall be entitled to a lien on his/her luggage and belongings and to detain the same and to sell or auction (at the risk and cost of the guest) such property at any time after the day of departure, without reference to the party, and appropriated to itself the net sale proceeds towards amount due from the guest.


The Check-in and Check-out time is 12 Noon. Guests are requested to kindly inform our Lobby Manager or Reception before the Check-out.

The guest shall vacate the room on expiry of the period of occupation granted to the guest. On failure on the part of the guest to vacate the room on expiry of the period, the Management shall have the right to vacate the guest and his/her belongings from the room occupied by the guest and the Management reserves the right to charge the guest for the period of overstay.


Subject to availability of storage, luggage may be stored in the left luggage room at the guests sole risk as to loss or damage from any cause. Luggage may not be stored for a period of overstay.


Guests are particularly requested to lock the door of their room when going out or when going to bed. For convenience of guest, private safe deposit lockers are available in the room for deposit of valuables. The Hotel will not in any way whatsoever be responsible for the loss of goods or property of guests or person claiming through them or for damage there to due to any cause whatsoever, including theft or pilferage.


Storing of cinema films, raw exposed, or any other articles of a combustible or hazardous nature in residential rooms or store rooms is strictly prohibited. Guests are also requested not to cook in their rooms as it a fire hazard.


The guest shall be solely liable and responsible to the Management for other guests, invities, visitors, agents and servants for any loss, financial or other and / or damage that may be caused to them or to the Hotel Property as a result of any act of omission or commission of the guest for his family members, invities , visitors, agents or servants.


The guest shall use all the facilities and services available at the Hotel with care and caution and entirely at the guest’s risk. The guest shall agree to abide by the follow all instructions placed by the Management at various, places in the Hotel Premises. The Management shall not be responsible for any injury to the guest or his family members, invitees, visitors, agents and servants or damage to their goods that may be caused as a refult of the facilities / services for any reason whatsoever.


It is agreed that the guest will conduct himself / herself in a respectable manner and not cause any nuisance or annoyance within the Hotel premises. The management reserves to itself the absolute right of admission to any person in the Hotel premises. The management has the right to request any guest to vacate his or her room or other areas in the Hotel room forthwith, without any previous notice and without assigning any reason whatsoever and that guest shall be bound to vacate and leave the premises when requested to do so, in default the Management shall have the right to change the room allotted to the guest any time without assigning any reason there of and without any previous notice or to shift the guest to any other suitable accommodation.


Nothing herein above shall continue or be deemed to constitute or create of purport to constitute or create in favour to the guest any tenancy, Sub-tenancy or any right to tenancy or any right or interest in the Hotel premises or any part of portion there of in favour of any guest or resident or visitor, and the Hotel shall always be and be deemed to be in full and absolute possession and control of the Hotel premises.


Guests are requested to observe the Government rules and regulations in force from time in respect of registration, alcoholic drink, fire arms, etc.


Guests are requested to abide by the “House Rules” placed in the Room.


The management reserves to itself the right to add, or alter or to amend of the above rules. All disputes are subject to Bangalore Jurisdiction.